The Llama at the Fashion Show
The llama at the fashion show September 1st, 2035. Today aired the biggest fashion show in the entire world, featured in Timbuktu, and George the llama had his mind set on winning it. He had spent hours each day buying and trying out an assortment of clothing, and he made sure that he was dressed to kill. All dressed up in his best bib and tucker, George entered the grandiose stadium and waited his turn at the show. His diffidence was apparent, as no llama had ever won a fashion show before, but his willpower was nonetheless incontrovertible. Finally, the fateful moment arrived, as George, shaking in his hooves, made his way across the stage. He was greeted by a series of oo’s and aah’s , and was squealing in joy to be face to face with Bob the rock, a connoisseur in the art of fashion, a true pundit. All of the other competitors had been dressed in the best of clothing, and George needed to be absolutely exceptional if ...