We're All (Probably) Racist. Let Me Explain.
The Prevalence of Implicit Bias The World Has Shaped Us To "Know Who We Are". But Do We? About 40% of white Americans have friends who are exclusively of the same race as themselves. Yet racism rates amongst whites have dropped significantly in the last century, so the question remains as to how such outwards racism and discrimination can still withstand as prevalent an issue as it is. Implicit bias is a type of mental and subconscious bigotry in which people, using the media and their own personal experiences with the world around them, form biases regarding different groups and elements that can build up over time and stir directed responses and habits towards those things to which they hold bias towards. Implicit bias severely restricts and segregates human relationships, and can be easily avoided through its acknowledgement coupled with the utilization of counteractive methods that can combat its effects. ...