Gun Violence
Gun Not Fun
40,000 Americans perish in a single year- all because the triggers in people’s hands function more sporadically than the triggers in their brains. Gun control has been a tendentious political struggle since the second amendment of the constitution was set into play by the United States Congress, sanctioning all U.S citizens the right to bear arms. As society so masterfully does, the information regarding this amendment was falsified to ameliorate their purpose that guns can be wielded to commit mass murder, homicide, and fatal injuries. Did the founding fathers of America really intend to allow people to misuse their privileges and bring scorn upon the very face of the law? Undoubtedly, the bringing up of arms should under no circumstances be permitted for use for any citizen of the United States of America unless utilized for warfare, because of the phenomenon of collective punishment, the alternative means to self defense, and the detering of America’s unreal death toll.
Collective punishment is an idea that has been implemented into the lives of almost every person, regardless of age. It is the notion that if one person squanders their privileges, all others who also accede to that privilege have it confiscated to enable them to face the consequences of misuse. Well, collective punishment has never been as clear cut as with gun control. In accordance with the Bureau of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Firearms(TAF), the assasination of several admirable figures in the past, notably that of John F. Kennedy, has led to the installation of tighter gun control to substantiate for those who have misused their rights to serve as a penalty to those who might. This, in essentiality, promulgates that people who were given guns as a god-given indemnity will have this concession taken away from them, to ensure that nobody does it in the future. It is prejudice at its finest, and allows for the actions of a few people to have everlasting effects on others, as well as instills a sense of reliability on others as to not disillusion them. Think about it this way: if a few kids use their legos to furiously puncture some others kid’s organs, it would be completely suitable for the authoritative figures in charge of the situation to sequester the legos from all of the kids permanently, to guarantee that a situation so rebarbative were to never transpire again.
The raging predicament people face is that guns are their minders- without them they have no source of protection and no sense of safety, helpless to the callousness of the outside world. What is overlooked is that there are multitudinous means of protecting yourself that don’t require a blast of a pistol, especially if the person or people you are protecting yourself against also don't have a firearm. Safeguard tips acknowledges that “You can protect yourself, your family, and your home without the use of a gun, provided that you use a combination of other deterrents. These deterrents can include a dog, a dead-bolt lock, a home security system, a taser, pepper spray or even a baseball bat.” Evidently, guns are the most prominent and effective way of protecting yourself, but ditto applies for the vindictive harming of others. If your attacker is deprived of a firearm, then you can not only protect yourself with ease despite the scenario, but the pandemic of airborne bullets spreading through the air will severely lessen, and our country can be a safer place to abide in.
Hundreds of thousands of people die from gun violence throughout the world per annum, figures that could be abated by simply putting a ban on guns. According to the New York Times, “This year, the number of casualties, along with the overall number of shootings that have killed or injured at least one person, exceeds those of the first five months of 2020, which finished as the deadliest year of gun violence in at least two decades.” This is a deadly slope of violence, which if were to steepen calamitously, would be too vertiginous for even federal governments to put a halt to. Action must be taken tout de suite, or the bedlamites with shooters will wipe out the entire planet with homicides and murders. The statistics speak for themselves, and gun violence must be terminated to squander the number dead in the United States.
The federal government is a size 20 pair of Nikes, citizens being ants. Armed ants. Ants that will crawl over the shoes, making slow incisions into the firm synthetic fibers, killing them at the person who wears them, slowly yet steadily. A few ants set astray, millions suffer. The United States of America must not license the usage of roscoes except for war, as the idea of collective punishment implements itself, there are surrogates that may be used instead for situations of self-preservation, and the death toll of our nation is far too consequential to ignore. Let's put an end to gun violence before it puts an end to our nation.
Very mature writing,keep it going.Well written.