My thoughts on $$$
The Big Bucks
“Money is a funny thing… the more you worry about it, the less you have. The less you worry about it, the more you have.” -unanimous. Money, by definition, is an elemental form of currency that holds value to every human being on the planet. It has caused millions of people to be disconsolate, impoverished, and sunken down into the cavernous depths of an ocean containing those more privileged above. It has also been the birthplace of endless glee, freedom, and sanctuary. A few slips of paper is enough to change someone’s life.
Being a child, I understand the essentiality of money. Although I lounge back and sustain through the earlier stages of life, with all financial epidemics resolved through the flow of labor from my parents, money means “the good life”, an expedient outcome that people, kids and adults alike, want.
Personally, there is only one way I have been, and will be continuing to spend money for ample years to come- I don’t. For something as precious as crisp dollar bills, the more prudent the one in charge, the higher likelihood that money is well spent, so relying on my parents to cover the costs is a decision that will definitely reap its benefits, at least until I’m an adult.. However, I do have a life, and in bounteous situations, money spent on me can only judiciously be exploited by one person; me. So the quote, of the 5 children who gave one, that resonates most with me is the last one. Toys, games, any objects that are designed for personal pleasure that I find entertaining and “within budget”, is probably the only time I will ever have control over and spend my own money.
Thus, the best thing I have recently bought was the Illumina Stock for the Personal Management Merit Badge at my Boy Scout Troop, where we were given 1 millions lucrative dollars, and were to make fake investments into various fields, counting on luck to hoist me to profit. In my experience, luck is a factor that you should never play with when dealing with money, and especially something you should never push. However, when analyzed, luck can be your best friend. It certainly was mine when that false investment turned up 70,000 dollars.
As for the procurement of money, there is simply no way I can earn money at this point in time, unless it is for a cause. For my Boy Scout Troop, salesmanship is pivotal, so much in fact that it is impelled that we sell popcorn to support our troop. As someone who has done this thrice in the past, the experience was enlightening. I kindly request, and seldom “charm” the customer towards our table, and allure him/her into the prospect of buying popcorn. Giddy with glee and confounded with hunger, they scramble through their wallet for some crisp 20’s, and with a simple transaction, another profit is made.
Now, there is this elemental concept within the world of economics that is “saving”. Money, if impulsively used, will run short, and debt will become commonplace. But for a child like me, my thrifty decisions hardly make a scratch on our family finances, and saving, though it a concept I am well aware of, is not something I can implement in my daily life. My parents ask me if I want anything, if it is not essential I decline, else, I accept their offer.
But to culminate to a point where you are financially sane, you must be guided, as was I. My parents, teachers(but not as much), and instructors have all informed me of the right way to spend money, over the rash modus operandi. They all simply state that I must think before I spend, and spend mostly on needs over wants.
To sum up, “Money is like an apple. On the outside, it is red, dark, and bitter. It requires a peeler to delve deeper. The inner core is reachable and breachable, and those satisfied thus far discard further opportunity. But it is the hard inner core that leads to a world of opportunity, and when ruptured, bears a worm full of profit.”- Aryan Mukherjee(inspirational)
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