Respond? Or React?
We locked eyes, both of us itching to make a move, adrenaline pumping and fingers twitching, as a crowd gathered to witness our brawl. The most epic battle in history was about the commence, and yet somehow I feel as if this situation could have been avoided… It was a warm summer day, the sun sizzling through the glass and magnifying on my forehead, as I collapsed onto my beanbag chair and toggled with the Xbox controller in my hand. For 17 year old me, the ideal summer break involved gaming, chips, and some ice cold cola. That was until my mom got involved, similar to this morning, and gave me her last two-bits. “Roger, I need you to buy me this ceramic bowl from Macy’s. Can you go?”, she hollered, and disagreement simply was not an option. So I rolled out of the couch and trudged downstairs and into the home garage to get a move on. As I reached Walmart, I sighed, and felt as if my legs were weighing me down like an anchor, exhausted and ready for a nap. As I cruised around the...