Hydro-Gene: A mind-blowing battle

Hydro-Gene Mr. Mind gazed up to see his short-term enemy boldly standing erect, teeth gritted and arms crossed. With ninja fury, Hydro-Gene slammed his foot against Mr. Mind's neck, and threw fast paced punches all over his body. To finish it off, Hydro-Gene dissolved into gas and loomed high above Mr. Mind head. Then, he regenerated solid, and bulldozed Mr. Mind's head to blood-ready asphalt. Mr. Mind groaned and raised his hand, pretending to retreat while actually summoning a telephone booth nearby. Hydro-Gene was taken aback as glass formed a cove around his head and pure metal nearly knocked him out. Hydro-Gene lay there motionless as Mr. Mind wrapped a lightning pole around his neck. Forget the citizens. First he had to save himself. 1 month earlier..... "Mission control air board, Patrick here. I have to report some slight turbulence, no big deal. We are currently hovering over the mid Pacific ocean, and we shall be reaching ...